paid to login

Monday, June 20, 2016

The Three Step Method of Success with Paid to Login program...

Now even though everyone online is looking for free opportunities to make money online very very low number of them are willing to work passionately setting their online business spending sufficient time and sometime a little funds and most want less time consuming techniques to earn money online.
Though paid to login is a totally free program using which you will get advertising plus free money but if you are concentrating upon the earning and working only all alone by logging in daily watching the single website and sitting it will yeild nothing for long years to you,but if you want to hit it hard and touch the magical income you need to spread yourself a little and work on the matrix downline system which will not be a big problem looking into the program.
I will try to simplify the whole system to a three step follows

1. Join paid to login program and login to paid to login site each and every day and watch the single advertisement website in between.

2. Collect your promotion materials from back office and promote your links at free places ( which is suggested for everyone starting their ventures unless you are in sufficient profit to use in paid advertising) to get some people in your level one that is a minimum four in number but you will need more people as everyone is not going to be activer and many of them will become inactive though do not leave but forgot about it and many will leave the program.So unless you get a few active people you have to work and the problem is contacting your downline as we are not getting details of our referrals from the back office and admin not giving direct access but you can ask for list of your downline at level one and try to contact them to see who is really interested.

3. When you get the list of your active ones in level one connect with them and motivate them to follow the routine you did and try to achieve this within a time frame that is within a month and if your level one completes the same in this time frame your all ten levels will be filled in within a year reaching a good income from this free program..But please do not expect miraculous results becaus as I have seen even following the steps there are other unknown factors affecting the results and success with this program,But you can always add value  to the connection with your level one downline by promoting their affiliate links helping them get their level one people quickly when hands join togetther it gives better results and than ask them stick to this policy and stay with the program till you and your team earn money well till the program is available online.

A big word of caution never spend a lot of money either on buying advertising, promotions, leads or buying upgrades unless you have achieved a good income with free opportunities like this one and once you start earning a sizeable income split it to three parts one is take home income, two is reinvestment in upgrades and buying units and third is spending on promotional ventures.

Thats it.. and it works
I will be writing about how to promote and promotion techniques next time...

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